Journal Articles
Efficient Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Induction Heating Systems Design
Enrico Spateri, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, Giambattista Gruosso, IEEE Access.
Sample-Based Trust Region Dynamics in Contextual Global Optimization
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Lorenzo Fagiano, and Fredy Ruiz, IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Simultaneous Design of Passive and Active Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Black-Box Optimization
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Gian Paolo Incremona, Mara Tanelli, Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, Control Eng. Practice.
SMGO-Δ: Balancing Caution and Reward in Global Optimization with Black-Box Constraints
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, Information Sciences.
SMGO: A Set Membership Approach to Data-Driven Global Optimization
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, Automatica 57(12).
Real-time boundary wavelet transform-based DC fault protection system for MTDC grids
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Aysar Musa, Flavio Costa, and Antonello Monti, Int. J. Elect. Power Energy Syst. 115.
Multi-agent based intelligent frequency control in multi-terminal dc grid-based hybrid ac/dc networks
Aysar Musa, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Ferdinanda Ponci, and Antonello Monti, IET Renew. Power Gener. 12(13): 1434-1443.
Robust Predictive Sliding Mode Control in MMC-Based Multi-Terminal HVDC Grids for Wind Power Delivery
Aysar Musa, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., and Antonello Monti, IEEE Trans. Power Del. 33(4): 1455-1555.
Conference Papers
Multi-Agent Global Optimization with Decision Variable Coupling
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Milan, Italy, to appear.
Controlling the exploitation/exploration trade-off in global optimization: a Set Membership approach
Mattia Alborghetti, Giulio Montecchio, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Lorenzo Fagiano, Fredy Ruiz, American Control Conf., Toronto, ON, 2024.
A Set Membership approach to black-box optimization for time-varying problems
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2023.
Direct control design using a Set Membership-based black-box optimization approach
Raffaele Galbiati, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, IEEE Conf. Control Technol. Appl., Trieste, Italy, 2022.
Trading-off safety, exploration, and exploitation in learning-based optimization: a Set Membership approach
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, TX, 2021.
On the use of set membership theory for global optimization of black-box functions
Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Fredy Ruiz, and Lorenzo Fagiano, IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju, Korea, 2020.
Improved synergetic control in multi-terminal HVDC grids for offshore wind power delivery
Aysar Musa, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., and Antonello Monti, IEEE Int. Energy Conf. (ENERGYCON), Limassol, Cyprus, 2018.
Modeling and design of hybrid distribution network: Operational and technical features
Aysar Musa, Syed Muhammad Rehan, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Ferdinanda Ponci, and Antonello Monti, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technol. Conf. (ISGT) Europe, Torino, Italy, 2017.