Lorenzo Sabug, Jr.

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Lorenzo Sabug, Jr.
Postdoctoral research fellow
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Contact: Email, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Scholar, ORCID

Short Bio

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano, working with prof. Fredy Ruiz and prof. Lorenzo Fagiano. I earned a Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano with the dissertation On data-driven optimization in the design and control of autonomous systems. I am particularly interested in fast data-driven optimization algorithms that can be applied to time-critical contexts.


  • [2024.07.04] Application-focused article on optimization for induction heating design is accepted for publication in IEEE Access.

  • [2024.06.17] New brief article on contextual black-box optimization is out on IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), which will also be presented at the IEEE Conf. Decision and Control in Milan, Italy.

  • [2024.03.12] Contribution on control of exploitation/exploration trade-off in global optimization is accepted for presentation in American Control Conference.

  • [2023.12.01] Formally received the Springer Award, given for top Ph.D. dissertations at DEIB, defended in the 2022-2023 academic year. My dissertation will be published as a chapter in the SpringerBriefs book Special Topics in Information Technology, which will be out soon in open access. UPDATE: The book is available here!

  • [2023.03.21] New application-focused manuscript “Simultaneous Design of Passive and Active Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Black-Box Optimization” accepted for publication in Control Engineering Practice.

  • [2023.03.04] Our new approach to time-varying optimization is accepted for IFAC World Congress 2023: “A Set Membership approach to black-box optimization for time-varying problems”. See you soon, Yokohama!

  • [2023.03.02] We are offering a workshop on simultaneous learning and optimization for non-convex problems on ECC 2023. Detailed program here. See you, Bucharest!

  • [2023.02.14] Defended my dissertation On data-driven optimization in the design and control of autonomous systems, for which I earned a Ph.D. with distinction (cum laude).

  • [2022.05.08] Experimental results using SMGO accepted for presentation at CCTA 2022: “Direct control design using a Set Membership-based black-box optimization approach”.

  • [2022.05.07] New paper is out!: “SMGO-Δ: Balancing Caution and Reward in Global Optimization with Black-Box Constraints” in Information Sciences, arXiv pre-print available here, code here!

  • [2021.12.02] Our paper “SMGO: A Set Membership Approach to Data-Driven Global Optimization” is Editors’ Choice in Automatica, November 2021 issue! This means that the paper is now freely accessible from the publisher here.

  • [2021.07.27] Our new results on “Trading-off safety, exploration, and exploitation in learning-based optimization: a Set Membership approach” has been accepted for presentation at CDC 2021!

  • [2021.06.14] Our contribution “SMGO: A Set Membership Approach to Data-Driven Global Optimization” has been accepted for publication in Automatica (vol. 57, no. 12)! arXiv pre-print available here, code here!

  • [2020.07.16] Our new paper “On the use of set membership theory for global optimization of black-box functions” has been accepted for CDC 2020!

  • [2019.08.31] I have now left the microsatellite development team at UP Diliman to embark on a new and exciting Ph.D. journey at Politecnico! I thank all my mentors and colleagues from this dynamic research group, for a highly productive and impactful work.

  • [2019.08.19] Our article on wavelet-based protection for HVDC grids is now online!

  • [2019.04.26] We are now announcing Diwata-2 amateur radio as ready for worldwide use! Link to UP Media coverage here.

  • [2018.10.31] Diwata-2 is launched to space today! See UP Media coverage.

  • [2018.07.16] Our article on multi-agent-based frequency control for HVDC grids is out.

  • [2018.03.01] Published online our article on predictive sliding mode control for HVDC grids.


  • Ph.D., Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, Nov. 2019 - Oct. 2022

  • M.Sc., Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2016

  • B.Sc., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Jun. 2006 - Apr. 2012

Research Interests

  • Data-driven optimization

  • Plant and non-linear control co-design

  • Aerospace and other complex control applications